R&D Tax Credits

Latest Research and Development Trends in Farming

Technological advancements and innovations are driving improvements in all areas of agriculture, from livestock producers to crop growers. Maintaining a competitive advantage in this evolving industry through research and development (R&D) helps to optimise processes and maximise efficiencies and yields, ensuring healthily returns on investment. There’s no question as to the benefits of R&D, regardless…

Sustainable tidal power

Latest Innovations in Sustainable Energy

Sustainable energy is arguably the most pressing issue for the longevity of our planet. As such, many companies have identified the opportunities in this field and the benefits of providing green energy to consumers. With increased consumer interest in sustainable energy –  and forecasts predicting up to half of the UK’s electricity will come from…

R&D Tax Credits

Legislation, Regulation and Standards – a Surprising Driving Force for Research and Development

Most industries are governed by legislative and regulatory bodies, and professional associations. These bodies range from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the Engineering Council, British Standards Institute (BSi) and the European Union (EU) Standards bodies including CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI. On the surface, regulatory standards may appear tedious to some. However, dig a little…

R&D Tax Credits

CashFlow Opportunity for Businesses

These are unprecedented times in our recent history and there is significant uncertainty for most businesses. Cash generation is going to become critical over the coming weeks and months. One cash-generating option that companies need to consider is R&D tax credits. This is a lucrative tax incentive that can generate significant cash sums. Given the…

concrete R&D

Latest Innovations in the World of Concrete

For many in the world of concrete, the process of trying something new can be daunting. Like an artist setting out to paint, innovators in this sector do not know if they will create a masterpiece or a failure. Thankfully however, many keen entrepreneurs forge forward regardless, believing for the best and enjoying the development…